Well, long overdue: my account of the Strasbourg trip...
I hadn't slept well the night before, so I started out the (long) bus ride with just a few moments of lucidity (oh, we are in Luxembourg now? Welcome to France?). What little I saw was beautiful landscape... Once we arrived in France, we went to the concentration camp Struthof-Natzwiller. It was really terrible to see for myself the places and the explanations about what went on there. Then we went to Obernai, the town in which we were to stay. I decided to room with Britany, an american girl interning at the EU parliament. It was a really nice hotel room with wirless (yes!) and one bed (gasp). Yes, mom, two teeny beds pushed together doesn't two beds make! So we got cozy, she snored, I laid there in despair, etc. That night we went to a restaurant and a bunch of us tried "tarte fambe" a sort of really thin pizza that is typical of the region. That was day one. Day two we went to a beautiful village, Riquewihr (the germana influence is everywhere here in this part of France). It is called the most beautiful town in france, and i would believe it. it was completely picturesque and adorable... then we went to 'Les caves de Beblenheim', which included a wine tasting. The lady kept giving us rounds so quickly that soon I was talking loudly about Obama and the day i met clinton... Imagine that. 6 rounds of a (not small) glass of different wines. after a while we were like "oh la la , oui c'est tres treshhhh bon!) needless to say i thought i should buy three bottles and i hope they are of the best one that we tried. Then we went to Strausbourg, which after the quaint village seemed dirty and boring... But that could have also been the hangover. So we went and ate a tarte flambe, just in case this was the last time that we would have the chance! Then a borrring boat ride took us through the city explaining what each and every bridge represented... The cool part of that is that we passed through a key and had to change levels to be brought up to the upper level of the river. Then we had dinner with Said, the EU Parliament Member (MEP). And, you guessed it! had tarte flambe (plus salad, cheese, wine, cake and bread...) It was nice! The next and final day we saw the plenary session of the parliament, which was really cool! That day they gave out an award for La silence de Lorna, a french movie that is apparently good, so rent it if you get a chance!
This saturday I am going with Francis and Tantan to Luxembourg to see it properly and then in 10 days paul arrives and we go to pareee!!
BTW, for those of you coming (really this is just to quiz you and make sure you read the whole entry. Yes, mom, i know YOU do!!) you should bring gloves, hat etc... it is getting cold!
Kisses, e
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