I went to Ardennes, a region in the south of Belgium (that extends into Luxembourg and France). It is in the french speaking part of the country -which was NICE- and I was only 10 minutes from France! I would have been sad but turns out that I am going there on Monday for a three day excursion to Strasbourg to see the EU Parliament, wine taste, cave dwell and boatride and then see a concentration camp. Should be intense!Anyway, back to today. We went first to a cave (do you sense a trend?) which was really cool with some humongo stalag-whatevers... see pics. In the middle of the cave excursion we were treated to a lights and music show in a huge cavern and then were taken out by boat. BRR. Then we went on a 45 minute hike where I ended up walking with an italian girl and practicing my italian. That was cool and all until I realized that she kept surreptiously taking pictures of me. I am scared that she thought I was really really cute. Anyway also met a Canadian boy who is really smart about history and spoke 5 languages. So we were alternating between french, english, italian and spanish. What a mess! But really fun, although, mamma mia, il mio italiano e miserable! So the hike was beautiful and it was nice to see some form of elevation again! Then we went to a really cool castle that may or maynot have the cross that Christ was crucified on...
That is all I have time to type for now, Myra is IMing me, Paul texting me, Myra wanting to skype... AYAYAY.
PS. Those beautiful gloves are from my mom and they radiate the love of a mother.
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