I am still on the "bit of a weird schedule" like alice says. Meaning I am on the Colorado schedule... Cant fall asleep before 4 am (at least), cant get up in the morning. I might take 1/2 an ambien today at around 11 in hope that this regularizes me. Today I set out with my camera and my tennis to find the gym and take pics along the way. On the way across a big road i decided to follow suit and jaywalk in the middle like i saw everyone else doing. Well, I got stuck in the middle with little bitty cars whipping around both sides of me. Suddenly, another guy gets to the middle islet and says something gutteral. "I am sorry, I dont speak Dutch..." again he says something to me in dutch. "English?" I say with my best-est dutch accent. AHA he says. Are you trying to get across? "Yes..." OK, three, two, one, GO. And with this he darts across dodging minis. Okie-doke. That is how you do that. Yes, mom, on the way back I went to the very near-by cross-walk. Turns out the gym (I mean sports centre) was closed for renovation? I wonder when it will open... On the way there I saw some ducks so so so fat I at first thought them to be a different species... See below. (Paul: reason number two to come and see me!)
What else? Weather is now what you would think typical of this region, grey and gloomy. It doesn't really bother me though, I feel as though it is being sympathetic to my plight. The roomate- havent really seen her much. Just that first day. She seems a little older maybe mid-30s or so. She was really nice, but I think she has her Chinese friends and prefers to speak in Chinese with them. She asked me if I had any friends and I said no in a tiny voice. She said "dont worry, you will find some". Thankssss. I think she thinks that I would prefer to hang out with Americans because she referred me to the university website to see if there were any american groups. :). Last night I IM'd Katherine for three hours- she had just gotten back from TGI Fridays (there is one in Madrid!) apparently it is where all the americans hang out. Go figure. I wonder if there is one here! But she was telling me about her friend Ana (age 23 or so) who is in NYC all by herself for a year. She already has a friend though (English) but has been there for 3 weeks. Anyway, I feel like a coward since I am 1. older and 2. in a teeny town. But, to each its own, I guess.
I went into the church today that is right by my house (see pics, it is really nice and there are these bells in the ceiling that toll every hour a little flemish (religious) song.
Let me download the pics so you can see. And FYI, paul is going hunting from the 14th to the 23rd. You should all email me a lot, cause I am going to be so sad!
Love, me-em.
PS, Obama is going to be in Golden tomorrow and you can get free tickets! Go to the dailycamera.com for more info.
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